28 Jan 2011

Bohemian Rhapsody on Ukulele - Jake Shimabukuro

OK OK, everyone is linking to this, so it's my duty to share.

Listen good people - this is how good a uke can sound. Those who scoff that this is a toy guitar, those who laugh when you are beginning, those who cannot take it seriously - just watch and listen.



  1. I like the fact that it only has 4 strings and can play such a range--like a violin without the bow!

  2. its is nothing like it a violin has 2 moe octaves than hte ukue you also hold it way differently than the violin. The strings are different. A bow wont play on nylon strings. Their anscestries arent even close..........................

  3. I don't think he was making a literal comparison, just that on the face of it, both instruments appear simple a s small but can do so much


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