29 Jan 2011

Fancy earning some ukulele money?

Following the launch of my ebook (which has gone very well), I have set up my Smashwords book account to allow affiliate referrals.

What does that mean?

Well, my book is for sale in a variety of formats on the Smashwords website here WHAT UKULELE PLAYERS REALLY WANT TO KNOW.

When you are registered, If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see an affiliate referral link that you can copy.  If you set yourself up with a free Smashwords account, by placing that link to my book on your website or blog, when somebody buys the book through that link, you will earn a share of the royalty I get paid for the book.  Simple!  NOTE - you will not see the link if you are not logged on to Smashwords!!

Feel free to use a copy of the book cover as below also.  I think this is a neat way to encourage promotion, without expecting people to do it for nothing.
bazmaz ukulele ebook

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