24 Mar 2011

New Ukulele players / buyers - a WARNING

Now for some sad news. In fact some news that makes my blood boil. I dont often ask that readers of this ukulele blog share, retweet, copy, email or do whatever with posts on here, but I would ask that you please do in this case. Read on.

Over here in the UK is a craftsman called Colin Oldham who is a very well respected guy in the uke world. Colin handmakes resonator cones under the name of Delta Resonator Cones. All proper handmade stuff, not pressed. He is also venturing into making resonator ukes under the Black Box Resonators brand. Colins work is respected highly, and Ohana, the uke manufacturer, have chosen him specifically to craft the cones for their new resonator ukes. I messaged Colin earlier and he agreed for me to let you know the news below.

Sadly, Colin was burgled earlier today. Thieves broke into his workshop, trashing the roller doors, locks etc, stealing some power tools of his and stealing 4 boxed, unused Ohana Baritone ukuleles.

The ukes in question were stolen from the Hinkley area (nr Leicester), and in particular were

Ohana BK-20
Ohana BK-20CE
Ohana BK35

If you are searching for a new uke and get offered or see a sale for a Ohana Baritone that doesn't sit quite right (ie a bargain price, little detail or knowledge of the instrument, or them being touted as "guitars" or "mini guitars") can I ask that you tread very carefully and if you get any leads, pass them on to the authorities.

The uke community is one that likes to stick together and we don't like the idea of the scum that stole these ukes and caused damage to Colin's premises to make any money on the back of that.

As I say, the warning sign may be a seller not knowing what it is he is trying to sell, or a super bargain price.

Thanks for listening, and please spread the word.

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