1 Mar 2011

What Ukulele Players REALLY Want To Know - another big thankyou

An update on the ebook - and another big thank you.

Rather staggeringly the ebook I have authored has gone from strength to strength on the Amazon Kindle store.

what ukulele players really want to know

In the US store, it moves up and down a little in the charts, but is currently at number 3 in the Kindle Music "Instruction and Study" category, and in the UK, is in the top 15 in the Kindle Music book section.  The book is rubbing shoulders from all sorts of people, from Ozzy Osbourne to Michael Buble!  I find that very humbling for a simple ukulele book.

If you haven't checked it out yet, you can get a sample on Kindle, and the book is also available for most other formats on the Smashwords site.

Links below - THANK YOU! (reviews and feedback welcomed!)

What Ukulele Players REALLY Want To Know - US Kindle Store
What Ukulele Players REALLY Want To Know - UK Kindle Store
What Ukulele Players REALLY Want To Know - for Sony, Nook, ePub, PDF etc

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