2 Apr 2011

Bosko & Honey CD Appeal for Japan

I am overdue in letting my readers know about this but the marvellous Australian ukulele couple Bosko and Honey are donating proceeds from sales of their CD "Ukulele Safari Volume 1" to the Red Cross Japan Disaster Appeal.

bosko and honey logo

The CD is a compilation of ukulele tracks from their world Ukulele Safari, runs to 75 minutes and is packed with 22 songs by artists from around the world (including a couple by Bosko amd Honey themselves!)

It comes with a beautiful colour booklet designed by Shelley Rickey, and they will ship them to you worldwide.

Do something good today and place an order (mine is ordered and on its way and I will post a bit more about it when it arrives).  A great cause.

Bosko and Honey page - Ukulele Safari CD

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