4 Apr 2011

Ukulele ebook update

Firstly, a huge thank you to those who bought the book and made it a success - it really has taken me aback. I hope you enjoyed it and can pass on the good word to other readers who are thinking about the ukulele.

I've been particularly pleased to see it rise up the Amazon rankings.

If you are in the UK, you will find the book at What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know UK edition

US buyers, just click the book cover in the panel on the right hand side of this blog.

If you are not a Kindle owner - the great site Smashwords has the book at the same price in a bewildering range of formats here - Smashwords Ukulele ebook

Oh, and also, something of a stop press - I am hoping to get a version in print shortly meaning those of you who want to own a physical copy will soon be able to  - watch this space!

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