17 Jun 2011

Me And My Ukulele - Joey Paul

Continuing the series where you, the reader, shares your ukulele stories with the world. This time, say hello, Joey Paul!

Hi, I'm Joey, I'm 29 and a disabled student and writer living in Swindon, UK. I've been playing Ukulele for about 10 months now - and coming up to my year mark on August 31st!

So, why did I start?

I had a friend online who was posting photos of her ukulele "collection". She was buying Soprano Ukuleles in all different colours, the reasoning behind it is not something I remember. Anyway, after seeing her Ukuleles, I thought that I would like to have one, but that's as far as the thought went. I went to have a haircut last August and on the way back to the car saw some musical instruments in the window of the local Sue Ryder Charity Shop - one was a Ukulele, so I went in and saw they had a purple one! (Favourite colour ever!) I asked about prices and seeing that I had some cash left over from the haircut I decided to take the plunge and buy her. I wasn't like my friend though, I wanted to learn to PLAY her! Not just have her as a pretty, kooky decoration!

I went online when I got home and tuned her (I named her Astrid, that's a whole nother story!) and then started looking for websites to help me learn. I found your blog actually and then from there Ukulele Underground, and after about a month (if that) I bought my second Uke, an Ohana SK10S (called "Lilo") and learnt all about upgrading strings and everything.

How the times have changed since then! I now have 5 Ukuleles in total (my third came about a week after Lilo!) and although I still have Astrid, she's not my "go-to" Uke. I play her still, but not as often. I love the music, I love the atmosphere, I love the way other Ukulele players just like you because you're a Uker!

I also started my own blog - http://4ukulele.blogspot.com/  if you want to see recent videos of my playing. I'll never be a prodigy at it, but I'm having fun and that's what counts right?

Thanks Joey! And remember, if you want to help inspire new players by sharing YOUR story, then CONTACT ME

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