2 Oct 2011

COMPETITION TIME - Win a copy of my ukulele book

I haven't run a competition on Got A Ukulele for a little while, so it's about time I changed all that. In this competition you have the chance to win a copy of my ukulele handbook, "What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know"  in paperback! I will also throw in a Got A Ukulele Button badge!

what ukulele players really want to know

All you have to do to enter is answer this simple question, and email your answer with your name to


,marking your subject line BOOK COMPETITION.


All the correct answers will be thrown in a hat shaped receptacle and a winner drawn at random.  What could be simpler?  Answers need to be with my 31 October to count in the draw!

Good luck!


1. Competition  ends at midnight GMT  on 31 October 2011
2. To be eligible for the prize draw, you must enter by email, and provide me with a working email address by which I can contact you for address details if you win
3. I reserve the right to reject entries that are duplicates, offensive or anything else unsavoury!  My decision on this is final.
4. On draw day, I will put all eligible entries in a hat and draw a winner.    My decision on the winner is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
5. The winner will be announced within 7 days of the draw day, and will be announced on this site.  
6.  Winner will need to provide valid postal address for the item to be posted
7. In the event the winner does not respond to the request for address within 14 days, I will pick another name from the hat.
8. No responsibility is held for failure with the postal service, and no replacement will be offered.  This prize has no alternative cash value.
9. Item will be posted standard post within 14 days of confirmation of winners address, depending on where you are you may need to sign for it.
10. No purchase necessary
11. Emailing your answer not proof that I have received your entry. No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are lost or delayed, or which are not received for any reason
12. The prize in not transferable to another person


  1. where does one email the entry?

  2. To the email address in the post above!

  3. Entered...even though I downloaded the ebook it'd be nice to have the real thing too.

  4. Thanks Rik! Yeah, ebooks are really handy and mine has been popular, but it's nice to have a paper copy!

  5. Is this open to New Zealanders?


Please leave me a comment!