16 Oct 2011

Reviews welcomed!

I do like it when I get comments, Tweets and emails about my ebook, What Ukulele PlayersReally Want To Know. In this brave new world it's wonderful for an author to be able to interact with the readers.

Some folks have been so kind as to leave reviews on Amazon or Smashwords and I am really grateful for that. That's what this post is about - a thanks to those who have and a polite request to those who haven't that a review (good or bad, so long as its constructive) is always most welcomed.

I'm glad people have taken to the book, it was written in a no nonsense style to help beginners with the uke. It's not a tutor guide, more of a manual or handbook for ownership!

I dont type a lot of reviews myself, and it is a hassle I suppose, but they do help other readers out. As I say, a polite request, not essential!

You can reach my book on Amazon UK, on Amazon.com, and for non Kindlers, in a variety of other formats on Smashwords.

Thanks all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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