7 Nov 2011

7 day sale!

We all like a sale! So for the next seven days you can get a whopping 50% off my ebook What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know, on Smashwords!

All you need do is enter the code KP65U when at the checkout on Smashwords

Also on Kindle store, sadly without a voucher as Amazon don't allow it. Sorry!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Even though I bought the book at a fullish price I am happy that everyone is now getting a chance to buy it at a great price. Do not hesitate buy the book you will not regret it!

  2. Sonsdad - kind words, thank you. It's tough, as prices do change and I did have date set in diary for a Christmas sale price. Had to happen at some point.

    Appreciate your comments!


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