24 Dec 2011

Pathetic (But He's Fun) - Ukulele CD REVIEW - Rae Carter

A nice early Christmas present for me, as the new EP CD from Rae Carter arrived with me recently.

rae carter CD EP

As I've blogged before, Rae has been on quite a rise over the last year, moving from being a YouTube performer to getting signed, and now, releasing this EP of 4 tracks - Pathetic (But He's Fun).

The EP was recorded at Quay West Studios and contains three original uke tracks written by Rae himself, plus a cover which I suppose takes him back to the roots he started with.

All the tracks mainly bring Rae and his Uke to the fore, though there is some nice accompaniment on the title track, Pathetic (But He's Fun) - a wry story about the sort of guy we all know, still out living it large thinking he's still 18. The sound is fresh and of the moment and I really like it.

The next two tracks, Poor Old Joe and Market Town are songs I heard in their early incarnations as Rae was working on them.  With these songs, the EP takes a turn from the wry raised eyebrow to angst and a rallying on the state of the nation today - they hark back to early Jam tracks to my mind, and the juxtaposition between the happiest of instruments and the gritty subject matter make a really nice contrast.  Everyone will recognise the Market Town he sings about here.

Final track is cover of a Tiny Tempah song, Pass Out - now I have to admit, this uke player is not au fait with Tinie Tempah, but the track is well performed well and fits in nicely with the rest of the selection.

I'm really impressed and would urge you to give this a try.  The CD EP is available via the contact page on the MLT Management site (email them to ask about how to order) and you can also download the whole EP or individual tracks on iTunes.

I'm watching this player with interest and will be keen to see more tracks of his recorded!

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