13 Dec 2011

Ukulele News - 13 December 2011

Another round of of hot ukulele news from around the world!


As reported last week, it was extremely sad to report the death of ukulele legend Bill Tapia at the age of 103.  I particularly liked the New York Times obituary.


Roger Greenawalt of Beatles Complete On Ukulele is staging the 4th annual Beatles Complete On Uke Marathon Concert at the Brooklyn Bowl on 14 January.  Arrive between 2 and 3pm with a ukulele and you will be admitted free and you can play in the volunteer uke group on stage!   The concert, featuring a host of musicians will aim to play 185 original Beatles tunes on uke!


Yet another ukulele revival piece, but this time The National website provide an excellent piece, with nods to Lorraine Bow, Paul Redfern, Duke Of Uke, The Mighty Uke Movie amongst others.


Oh those hilarious Lib Dems.......  a "joke" apparently.  Doesn't even tell us if he actually plays a uke or not...


Ok, so this one has been all over Twitter and Facebook, but I suppose I should link to the Transformers Autobot Ukulele..


More ukulele news soon!

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