18 Jan 2012

Competition - 5 copies of my ebook up for grabs!

Not run a Got A Ukulele competition for a while, so let's make this one an easy one!

I have FIVE copies of my Ukulele Ebook, What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know to give away!  All you have to do is email me a photo with a ukulele that makes me laugh. You can be in the photo, but you don't have to be, so long as it's amusing! Use your imagination, but it MUST feature a ukulele!

Email me the picture to bazmazwave@gmail.com including your full name, BEFORE the closing date of 10 February 2012, and the five that make me smile the most will get posted on Got A Ukulele (with credit to you), and the entrants will get a copy of the ebook in a format of their choice (Kindle, Epub, PDF, RTF, LRF (Sony) or PalmDoc).  Please put "Ebook competition" in the subject line.

This isn't being judged on photographic ability, only how amusing or absurd, so whilst a photo from an SLR would be nice, you can, of course enter with a picture from a camera phone.  Keep them clean (ahem.. this is a family blog!) and PLEASE ENSURE IT IS YOUR OWN WORK AND YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE IMAGE!!  Oh, and make sure its a jpeg attachment, not a link to a webpage.

Draw date is on the 11 Feb 2012, so give it a go, have fun, be imaginative and good luck!



1. Competition  ends at midnight GMT on 10 February 2012
2. To be eligible for the prize draw, you must enter by email, and provide me with a working email address by which I can contact you for address details if you win, attaching your photo in jpeg format.  Picture must feature a ukulele.
3. I reserve the right to reject entries that are duplicates, offensive or anything else unsavoury!  My decision on this is final.
4. On draw day, I will decide on the five that make me smile the most.   My decision on the winner is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
5. The winner will be announced within 7 days of the draw day, and will be announced on this site.  By entering you agree that I will publish your photo on Got A Ukulele and that you have the necessary rights for me to use the image. 
6. This prize has no alternative cash value.
7. No purchase necessary
8.  Emailing your entry is not proof that I have received your entry. No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are lost or delayed, or which are not received for any reason
9. The prize in not transferable to another person

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