4 Jan 2012

Famous Ukulele Players - Part 18 - Pierce Brosnan!

Now I can't take credit for finding this picture - it came at me from all over the place on Twitter, and Ukulele Hunt also posted it via Kyle Frazer, but I couldn't resist as it fits with my series of Famous Ukulele Players.

I've known Pierce Brosnan played uke for some time, but never found a picture (which is a rule I set in sharing Famous Players on Got A Ukulele), until now

brosnan ukulele

Whilst its a promo shot, he does play (even if the look on his face is hard to read). So there you have it - James Bond plays uke!

And the uke he is advertising is by Kamoa which you can read more about here

Check out the links below to go to previous editions of Famous Ukulele Players.  If you have any photos of famous uke players not already covered, do get in touch!


  1. Al (ukehunt) linked to my blog when he posted it. :P

  2. Sorry buddy, I saw pic, but didn't know it came from yours.

    This one? http://kylejamesfrazer.com/2011/12/31/its-a-happy-new-year/


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