25 Jan 2012

Famous Ukulele Players - Part 20 - The Rock!!

This one made me smile, not least because there is some funny video too - my next instalment of Famous Ukulele Players!

This edition - we have Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson playing what looks like a U900 aNueNue ukulele - ignore the bit of comedy singing at the beginning - the man has a bit of a voice. And considering he is THE ROCK, who am I to argue?

AND- BIG THANKS to Mike at the very wonderful Mainland Ukuleles for bringing this to public attention!

The Rock playing ukulele

Video below

For the rest of my Famous Ukulele Series - check the links below!

1 comment:

  1. Need to add another... John B. Sebastian was snapped at NAMM 2012 at the Moku Ukulele booth. This link might work - its from Moku's Facebook page.



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