12 Feb 2012

Ebook competition - the winners!

Hi all - the competition closed on Friday and thank you to you all for sending through some great pictures.  I've run through them and like these five best! Congratulations to you as you've won a copy of my book (check your email for details!)

First up - the joys of a plastic ukulele, thanks to Cyril Keller

Thanks to Robert Hultman for the next one - I haven't got a clue what the outfits are about but I love the pic!

Cherie Cel Santos sent the next one - a future guitar hero if ever there was one (it's not a guitar it's a guitarlele before you write in!)

For the competition I asked for pictures that would make me smile, this next winner from Alicia Cummings isn't "funny" but is sure made me smile because it's so uplifting!

And finally, this one from Jennifer Allen, which made me laugh because of the caption she sent with it saying, "Does this ukulele make me look fat?"

Congratulations to the winners, and keep your eye on Got A Ukulele for more competitions soon!

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