13 Feb 2012

Ukulele News - 13 February 2012

Another round up of ukulele news from around the world.

The now regular news report of the "ukulele craze" hits Gloucestershire (I hate the term Craze....)


And over in North Jersey, the ukulele is now "hip" (it's better than "craze" I suppose)


Glyn Chan of Singapores Ukulele Movement is interviewed about, erm... alcohol?


Law and Order star Laura Benanti plays the uke


Well, in this Poll in the Seattle Times, the readers thought Eddie Vedder should win the Grammy.  He didn't though..


Zooey Deschanel playing ukulele on Saturday Night Live (second vid down)


New Gretsch ukulele models.


Homeless street children busking for survival on the streets of Jakarta


Interview with Jessica Latshaw who was interviewed on Got A Ukulele a couple of weeks ago.

More news next week!

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