18 Mar 2012

Ukulele News - 18 March 2012

After a short holiday break, we now return to a ukulele news round up from the last couple of weeks.

Is it possible to have a news week without a new article telling us that the ukulele is seeing a rise in popularity - Apparently not... (and that is just one of dozens out there this last week).


In in the same vein, is it possible to have a week without a Jake Shimabukuro article?


A Noisy ukulele???


Short interview with Bangkok ukulele tutor, Pennapang Chaydan.


An interview with George Hinchcliffe of the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.


And another Australian article on the UOGB (they are on tour over there)


Not only did George Formby play the ukulele as part of his act, he played it to serenade his bride.


Eddie Vedder to play his first ever UK solo shows - with ukulele of course!


I'm delighted to hear that the Berkhamsted Ukulele Random Players (BURP) concert for Unicef raised over £2,500 for charity.  Great video too featuring Krabbers amongst others. Well done to all who contributed.


For those in the UK of a certain age, you will know why I feel like Esther Rantzen on That's Life with this next link - a dog who plays the ukulele.....

More news next week!

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