21 Jun 2012

Ukulele ebooks - the independent alternative

I don't say enough about Smashwords. When I first wrote my ukulele beginners books, the Amazon Kindle was the obvious first choice, but then you realise that a) not everybody has a Kindle and b) not everybody wants to give Amazon their money. Smashwords provides an independent alternative!

So, if you like the ebook format, you can grab all three of my books via Smashwords in Kindle, ePub, Sony, PDF, you name it, formats!

What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know

More Of What Ukulele Players Really Want To Know

Chords That Ukulele Players Really Want To Know

Give them a try! (oh and if you DO prefer Amazon, iTunes or paperback, that's cool, they are there too! ;-)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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