4 Oct 2012

Doleman Emmerson

Those in the 'ukulele know' will have heard over last few weeks of the decision for the ukulele band The Reentrants to call it a day with their act. They were considered by many to be one of the best uke acts on the circuit and I was honoured to be able to Interview them recently.

But all is FAR from lost. Despite some bemoaning of them stopping, that's not really what is happening. They are just getting back to the music, seeking a new challenge (together) and, most importantly, keeping playing music and that is what matters. It will be a change of direction, but that's cool too.

They'll be continuing this year as The Reentrants and come 2013 are already working on gigs and projects as Phil Doleman and Ian Emmerson. I hope to catch them somewhere then, and also hope we can get an update interview done when they've settled into their new suits / overcoats.

Catch their new website Here where you will also see they have their first gig next year at the Lantern, Liverpool, March 9th.

Good luck guys. So many people I've spoken to are delighted you are still making music.

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