Spur of the moment discussion on Facebook tonight - how to use what is, effectively, free advert space on Got A Ukulele to help promote valued ukulele people who are terrified of lockdown effects on their businesses. So came up with a plan.
Heck - I think ANY of us in the uke world need to do all we can to help out our friends and colleagues. We HAVE to pay it forward now. So what will now follow, as best as I can, is a regular selection of reminders of those brands / events / performers / teachers / you name it - in the uke world who are facing huge uncertainty now. Pimp my site!!
Most, if not all of these people are self employed and if they stop work face.. well.. nothing. We cannot lose these people.
So, first up is a hugely respected luthier in the UK - Rob Collins of TinGuitar. Now more than ever people like this need your business. Please help him. His website is here - https://tinguitar.com If you need my recommendation here - I own two of his instruments!
Note - I will help as much as I can doing this. Featuring here is going to be free (naturally). Bear in mind though I am on lockdown myself, but also trying to keep my day job business afloat as well as asssisting home schooling a ten year old. These will have to be first come first served as I can't spend 24 hours a day on listing things. Still - shout - I will add you to the list. I will do my best. Least I can do - try to do the same.
AND.. it goes without saying - these are not paid ads. These are NOT brand sponsoships. This is just a guy using his platform to do what he can.
© Barry Maz


I have three of his ukes...excellent builds and wonderful sound
ReplyDeleteThanks for this Barry,for some reason I had not looked at their instruments. Being a good Yorkie I quite fancy an instrument hand made in Yorkshire. If we survive this major problem I will be paying Hebden Bridge a visit. Looking on the web site they have a pineapple soprano on there which would probably suit me except it is built for left hand. Certainly food for thought
ReplyDeleteThanks for this Barry,for some reason I had not looked at their instruments. Being a good Yorkie I quite fancy an instrument hand made in Yorkshire. If we survive this major problem I will be paying Hebden Bridge a visit. Looking on the web site they have a pineapple soprano on there which would probably suit me except it is built for left hand. Certainly food for thought