Back to Got A Ukulele turning it's pages over to uke brands and performers for some help with promotion in these difficult times. This time, the intriguing 'Wireless Ukulele Festival'.
With such difficult times to endure, it's good to see people finding different ways to keep things going. One such endeavour is the Wireless Ukulele Festival - dubbed as 'an unusual festival for unusual times'.
The first of these events premieres on 17 April, and is being put on by Matt and Andy of Ukulele Events - with the aim of trying to get a flavour of a regular ukulele festival, from the comfort and safety of your own home.
They're pulling together a programme of pre-recorded live sets of ukulele artists, performed exclusively for the festival. Matt will prepare a workshop to include, while Andy will lead a big strum and singalong from the festival songbook from his living room! There's even a raffle, with an electro soprano donated from Kala Brand UK, which will be drawn from a list of attendees during the show.
All of the performers are either solo, or live together anyway, so of course, no risks have been taken to make the event happen! They've all lost numerous engagements over the busy spring and summer period with the cancellation of gigs and festivals because of the outbreak - so the entry fee will be split between the participants... Although all the acts suggest the biggest motivation is sharing some of the music they'd been preparing for those shows!
While of course, the constraints of our current situation mean it won't be quite the same as a real live event, the show can be watched again at your leisure, any time, once you have a ticket.
You can book a place, and even order the festival T-shirt, at World of Ukes -
© Barry Maz


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